Use Flash Photo Gallery to Showcase Your Image Works Online


If you are a photographer or artist with many digital photo and image files for displaying to your potential clients online, a website photo album is the best way for you showcases your talents and sell your art.

There are many online photo album and portfolio services that allow you to upload your digital photos, and create your online image gallery or photographer showcase. Many of these sites offering their service for free, as they generate their revenue from banner advertising or sponsorship.

Many People use these services because they don’t need to bother with paying for a domain name, or buying hosting space. Fiddling with photo gallery software might sound difficult for non-programmers. Also many people don’t have the time to learn, hence these free online photo portfolio and album services seems to offer easy solutions.

However, there are few problems with this approach. Although the photos are yours, the website is not, which means that your online photo portfolio’s availability is depending on the website and the service provider. And when you want to switch to another hosting company, you would have to manually backup all the images from your existing online image portfolio, or all your work will be lost. Many online photo album website also state in their terms and conditions, especially escort photo’s that they will have ownership of the photos once they are uploaded to their server. Which means you might lose the ownership and copyright of your photos as soon as your photos are uploaded, and they might be sold or distributed without your awareness.