Quora Launches New Business Podcast, Google Tag Manager Integration


It doesn’t get the consideration of other social platforms, but Quora is slowly but surely carving a niche for specific advertisers who are looking to reach consumers right when they’re seeking answers.

And with 300 million monthly unique visitors, it’s worth considering – and this week, Quora has announced a new integration with Google Tag Manager to help streamline its data tracking tools, while its also launching a new podcast which will focus on how businesses are using Quora’s ad tools to reach engaged audiences.

First off, on Tag Manager – in order to make it easier for advertisers to gather relevant data points for their on-platform ad targeting, Quora has now become an approved tag vendor with Google, facilitating new opportunities for tracking. 

As explained by Quora:

“Our Google Tag Manager integration streamlines the process of adding the Quora Pixel to your site so you can start leveraging the benefits within minutes. With the Quora Pixel, you can create pixel event audiences to retarget website visitors and build lookalike audiences off your best customers. Placing our pixel on your site unlocks some of Quora’s most effective targeting options, allowing advertisers to drive optimal campaign performance.”

The Quora Pixel works much like the same on other platforms – for example, the Facebook Pixel which more advertisers would be familiar with. Tag manager simplifies the process of adding pixel tracking, and saves you from having to alter your site code. You can read more instructions on exactly how to do this here.

Quora Tag Manager integration

In order to provide even more assistance for advertisers, and highlight the opportunities of Quora ads, the platform is also launching a new ‘Grow with Quora’ podcast to showcase advertiser success stories.

Grow with Quora podcast header

As explained by Quora:

“Every week, you’ll learn how marketing experts leverage Quora’s platform to drive business results. Each episode will provide fresh perspectives from advertisers, content marketers, agencies, and brands using Quora. Tune in for valuable insights into how experts establish thought leadership and build credibility, find relevant topics for content marketing, conduct competitive research, reach potential customers with advertising, and more.”

This could be particularly helpful, given most marketers are, as noted, less familiar with Quora as an advertising option. If you’re at all interested, or curious, about the potential of Quora ads, it may be worth listening in.

Again, while Quora may not get as much coverage as other social platforms, the fact that users come to Quora seeking answers to specific questions could actually make it a better option for ad outreach, as it enables you to show your ads to people at just the right time in their discovery journey. 

That’s not to say it’s definitively going to deliver for all businesses, but with brands looking to broaden their digital marketing horizons, Quora could actually be a better fit than you’d expect. 

You can download the ‘Grow with Quora’ podcast on iTunesGoogle PlaySoundCloudSpotify, and Stitcher.
